Welcome to the World of Termline Pest Management Pvt. Ltd. Termline gives you access to market leading termite control solution. We hold latest technology , high quality and timely execution of projects.
The business behind Termline was founded by 3 members of the construction industry as well as pest control industry. They each have hands on experience in providing technical consultancy , technical competence and service ethics. Termline has managed by a veteran team of professionals who has guiding the company throughout years. Our goal today is the same as when we began i.e. serving to nation, customer satisfaction and always striving to deliver a best possible solution wherever possible.
Termite control and their management is multifarious science in the scope of which embraces various type of solution. Termline Pest Management offers unconditionally the best termite control services in this region our continuous services consist of constant inspection and solution whenever necessary.

Termiticide Distribution System
Termiticide Distribution System consists a complete network of membrane rubber tubes are laid under the floor, throughout the inner & outer peripheries as well as in the middle of the flooring of the building. Entire planning of laying the network of tubes are to be considered along with the planning of the building during the pre construction stage.
Pre Construction Termite Management
Pre-construction anti-termite treatment is essential to safe-guard the upcoming buildings. The chemical barrier is created between the soil and plinth of the building. The barrier is created in four stages i,e., bottom and site of foundation tranche / column pits, back fill soil, plinth filling or under the floor and plinth protection...
Post Construction Termite Management
Post-construction anti termite treatment is done by creating a barrier between the soil and plinth of the premises by drilling holes & injecting chemical emulsion in them all along the wall perimeter (from inside and outside), door, window frames and all other wooden structures which are embedded in walls and floors.
Termites are a natural part of the environment.
Termites are social insects forming small and large colonies.
Wooden structure is a potential target.
On an average, Termite Live in every third property.
Termite do more damage than fire and storm combined.
Basic requirement of the termites are, soil contact, moisture, nest and tunnel for food supply chain.
Consists of Intelligent Network of Joint less pipes.
The Network is laid under the floor, inside and outside the building.
Once the building is ready, pesticides are pumped into the network.
Network uniformly spreads the pesticides in the soil.
Termline Pest Management Pvt Ltd
271, Vardhman Fortune Mall
GT Karnal Road, Azadpur, New Delhi - 110033
Termline Pest Management Pvt. Ltd.
1142B1 near VP Siolim Marna Bamonwaddo Siolim Bardez Goa 403517
Termline Pest Management Pvt. Ltd.
563, Yamuna Vihar Colony, Malhaur Road, Chinhat, Lucknow, U.P. - 206028,
Mob: 8882221815